Friday 24 October 2008


Crunch resurrects Marx
By Erik Kirschbaum in BerlinFriday, 17 October 2008 - The Independent
Two decades after the Berlin Wall fell, communism's founding father Karl Marx is back in vogue in eastern Germany, thanks to the global financial crisis. His 1867 critical analysis of capitalism, Das Kapital, has risen from the publishing graveyard to become an improbable best-seller for the academic publisher, Karl-Dietz-Verlag.
"Everyone thought there would never again be any demand for Das Kapital, the managing director, Joern Schue-trumpf said. He has sold 1,500 copies so far this year, triple the number sold in all of 2007 and a 100-fold increase since 1990. "Even bankers and managers are now reading Das Kapital to try to understand what they've been doing to us," he added.
A recent survey found 52 per cent of eastern Germans believe the free market economy is "unsuitable" and 43 per cent said they wanted socialism rather than capitalism. Unemployment in the former communist east is 14 per cent, double western levels, and wages are significantly lower. Millions of jobs were lost after reunification.

Diálogo, pero en voz baja
La reforma laboral que planea el Gobierno recogerá medidas tibias que garanticen la firma de patronal y sindicatos - El objetivo es revitalizar los acuerdos sociales
LUCÍA ABELLÁN - Madrid - 24/01/2010
Antes siquiera de arrancar la negociación sobre la reforma laboral, los agentes sociales han ganado la partida. Sindicatos y patronal se saben importantes en un proceso por el que el presidente del Gobierno ha trastocado las fechas que comprometió en el Parlamento. Con el beneplácito de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, el ministro de Trabajo ha accedido a demorar 15 días su propuesta laboral para no importunar a empresarios y sindicalistas en sus conversaciones bilaterales. De igual modo aceptará cerrar un acuerdo tibio, sin grandes cambios legislativos, que garantice la firma de todas las partes y legitime el diálogo social, en horas bajas desde hace seis meses. ... .... .... .... .... ..


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